"I have just come back from a family holiday and the number one question I have been asked is, "How were the kids on the flight?" I was so proud of how well they behaved and coped with the long, back to back flights. I recently purchased two Fly LegsUp for my 4yr old and 6yr old to use over the 3 flights it took to get from Scotland to Brisbane to attend a family wedding. They definitely helped maximise the minimal space during the journeys. There was less wriggling, less fidgeting, a space to stretch out, to sleep, a division of territory - when it was needed (the whinging cry of "she's touching me" that is every parents nightmare was kept to a limit, thanks to me saying "that's your hammock and pillow, this one's yours"). They also inadvertently acted as a place to catch lost slippers and crayons, headphones and snacks. They were quick to inflate & attach and equally quick to deflate and pack up. Everything squished back in to the bag with ease and attached neatly onto our hand luggage. Meaning less stress for Mum and Dad in between connecting flights. Thanks!
I would also add that whilst "Missy 1" is 6 (or 6 and 5 months as she likes to remind me) that she is tall for her age usually in 7-8 clothes. I think it's reassuring for parents to know that this works for older, taller little ones"
- Veech with her 4 and 6 year old, flying Singapore Airlines